EDUC-6653I-2 Introduction to Educational Research
Instructor: Kathryn Arnold
In this weeks DVD Dr. Canipe explains that in order to write research questions I needed to dissect my problem statement (Laureate Education, Inc., 2008). At first this task was a little confusing. I was over analyzing the different questions. After further investigation I realized my questions were very specific and researchable (Laureate Education, Inc., 2008).
The research design of my problem statement is Quantitative. The main feature of quantitative research design is to analysis numerical data using structure and a controlled environment (McMillan & Schumacher, 2008, p. 23). My questions fall under experimental and nonexperimental subcategories. For the majority of my question I will use a true experimental design. A true experimental design uses random assignments. Each of my test groups will have an opportunity to participate in both experiments (McMillan & Schumacher, 2008, p. 24). I will use surveys for my motivational questions, which is a feature of the nonexperimental category.
My problem statement is:
I plan to determine if elementary students’ writing abilities and motivation would increase if they were allowed to use a word processor instead of pencil and paper application?
My research questions:
1. Will the length of the writing assignment increase by using a word processor? (Quantitative - True Experimental)
2. Will using a word processor increase my students time on task?(Quantitative - True Experimental)
3. Do keyboarding skills influence my students’ ability to use a word processor? (Quantitative - correlational)
4. Does the form of writing assignment increase or decrease my students motivation to use a word processor over pencil/paper? (Quantitative - survey)
5. How will I measure my student’s motivation towards using a word process instead of pencil/paper application?(Quantitative - survey)
6. How does the teacher’s knowledge and comfort level towards using technology influence her students?(Quantitative - survey)
7. Do the features in word processors help or hinder a student’s writing ability (i.e. spellcheck, etc.)? (Quantitative - True Experimental)
8. Do the features in word processors increase or decrease the teacher's level of participation in the course? (Quantitative - survey)
I would like to thank Cesar for suggesting question number nine and ten. I believe those questions helped to round out my set of research questions.
I look forward to your feed back and any suggestions you may have regarding my research questions of problem statement.
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2008). Program three. Research Questions [Motion picture]. Introduction to educational research. Baltimore: Author.
McMillan, J., & Schumacher, S. (2008) Research in education: Evidence-based inquiry (Laureate custom edition). Boston: Pearson.