Course: Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas
Instructor: Virgil Kirk
“Patience is a virtue” could not be a truer statement with regards to my GAME plan. I feel as if I’m at a stand still on Goal 1. I have created the staff survey and sent it out but only seven people have responded. With the end of the quarter and holidays my staff is very busy and the last thing they want to do is fill out a survey. Some of them stated that they couldn’t open up the form so I’m going to put some paper forms in the lounge to see if I can get more responses.
I have come to the conclusion that these seven colleagues will help spread the news and get the rest of my staff excited about learning new ways to infuse technology into their lessons. Next Monday I will be meeting with my Building Tech person to start our “Infused Technology” plan. I’m excited about organizing what we want to do and that will help guide my “Tech CafĂ©.”