As some of you know, my school district had a snow/freeze day today. I figured it was a perfect day to work on application 2. I grabbed my coffee and headed up to my computer. I logged in to edublog.org and I was greeted with waiting.... and waiting... and waiting.
Finally, when I was about to give up the page popped up. I looked over application 2 and began to post my idea for how I was going to utilize a blog site within my classroom. I attempted to upload a podcast example of my idea. BIG MISTAKE! The site crashed and all that I had saved disappeared. I was not a happy blogger. I thought that maybe the freezing rain had done something to my connection.
I restarted my router and computer. A fresh cup of coffee later and I was ready to roll. Unfortunately the site was still DOWN! I decided that I was going to out-smart the blog site and typed my idea out in a word document while I waited for the site to come back up.
During this time I inquired on the message board if others in class were having the same issues and found out that some were. After a few more failed attempts at uploading I came to the conclusion that I needed a fresh start. HENCE the new blog location.
After hanging a few pictures and adding some cool gadgets (Thanks Melissa for your help) I'm back in business. Please adjust your URL to my new blog home.