Course: Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas
Instructor: Virgil Kirk
- Are you finding the information and resources you need?
Right now I’m still in the gathering stage of my GAME plan. I conducted a survey with my staff. I have only received seven surveys back. I think the Turkey Holiday is occupying my colleagues and they may have been a little busy to fill out the form. I will nudge them a little bit in the coming weeks. I’m going to meet with my building tech guru next week to go over the types of resources I will need for my workshops.
Because of the short school week I wasn’t able to have my students take the learning style inventory test. I plan on having them fill it out next week.
- Do you need to modify your action plan?
I think my action plan is well written and I don’t feel I need to modify it.
- What have you learned so far?
This process is very slow. Having a GAME plan to keep me on track keeps me organized. My staff seems very excited about learning different ways to integrate technology into their classrooms. I used Google Docs to create my survey and I learned that I need to include a place for names because it doesn’t identify who did the survey. Now I will have to send an email out asking my staff to identify who is interested in the “Tech CafĂ©”. If you haven’t used Google Docs before they are very easy. One cool feature I found is that the program will create a spreadsheet compiling the data.
One of the most frustrating things for me is that when I’m trying to create a project for my students I seem to go overboard. I have learned that more is not always better. Every project does not have to include technology.
- What new questions have arisen?
Some of the questions I’m asking myself include: Do I have time to create projects that include technology? Will the projects give me a clearer picture of my student’s abilities?