Course: Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas
Instructor: Virgil Kirk
So far I have learned that integrating technology can be a slow process and I need to be very patient. This is the same when I’m teaching because students are like snowflakes – each is unique and has a unique way of learning. As a teacher I need to be patient and let them be creative in their exploration of the topics. As the teacher, I need to facilitate that learning. This may include guiding students toward a finished product. I really enjoy watching my students explore different ways to express what they have learned. This has given them ownership of their education and allowed them to express themselves.
I want to continue to incorporate technology into my content area instead of always assessing my students with flat piece of paper. In the same respect, I need to realize some that a pencil paper assessment might be the best way to assess students progress.
At this time I don’t want to add additional NETs standards onto my very busy schedule. I still need to follow through with my “Tech Café” plan and get more teachers involved with integrating technology into the classroom. I just found out that I am getting a student teacher for the spring semester. During her six weeks residence I will use that time to expand my “Tech Café” to more hands-on/in class assistance for my colleagues.