My first thought when we had to create a blog was ‘facebook’ or ‘my space’. I simply considered it a place for kids to unwind and chat with their friends. I have since changed my mind. When I compare a blog site to my class homepage I see it as a dynamic page that invites the world in to read and comment about your thoughts. It also gives the author the ability to maintain, update and add content. A blog site has many possibilities for a classroom. I have considered three different ways I might use a blog in my third grade class.
The first method would be a way for my students to showcase their work to the world. My second idea would be an on-going blog for my students to reflect either to a question of the week or an open reflection. I would also require my students to respond to their peers. The last idea would be for my parents. I would like to create a podcast resource page. It would also be a page my parents could ask me questions regarding homework, class field trips, and class work.
As an educator it is also my responsibility to teach my students the skills they need in order to interact appropriately. In the beginning of the year we would collaborate to create class rules. I will extend the collaboration to include web rules.
Kids love to show their work. It gives them pride in what they produce. By showcasing their work on the Internet it gives them a bigger audience and a new place to shine. I believe my students will try harder to create a perfect paper if they know others are going to read it. I think this will show my students the importance of proofreading their work and using proper grammar. Their work can also be showcased in many different ways. My students can create podcast and upload them, or they can type them and add their own flair by using different fonts and illustrations.
The Alaska grade level expectations (GLE’s) for third grade writing requires students to write on different topics, use a variety of forms, provide feedback to their peers and write to a specific audience. I believe my second idea about having a reflective page will be an effective place to practice these expectations. I will post a variety of questions that will address different cognitive skills. In order to give my students ownership of the ‘question of the week’ I can ask for their input.
My last idea is to have a resource page for my parents. At least once a week I have parents sending me notes or calling asking a variety questions. If I had a page with a podcast on classroom lessons as well as other comments my parents might get their answers in a timely manner. On this page I think it would be important to establish a time of day that I respond to questions. This page could become a managerial nightmare if I don’t establish ground rules.
I look forward to reading your ideas and getting feedback on my ideas.
Thanks Diane, I agree its a grand adventure something that will take time and effort but is well worth it. I need to follow your example of sticking to my rules because I tend to bend under circumstances and the process doesn't go as planned.
ReplyDeleteI too want to use my blog rather than a web page. I think a blog is easier to manage.
Our district wants you to use Dreamweaver to create webpages.It is a great program but it has so much to it. I don't have the time to become more than a novice in Dreamweaver.
Since I am the building Tech Rep (Cadre)I encourage teachers to use Blogs. They can be updated on the spot, whereas webpage have to wait for our IT Department to Post them. This could be week or more.
I like how others can interactive with a blog. My students love to read the posts. But with 130 students daily this can take up to much of the student's time. I am going to have a seperate blog for each of my classes.
Blogs are a perfect way to showcase work. Grandparents and family members from other locations can view students work plus leave a comment! How cool is that?
ReplyDeleteI think having a blog as a resource for parents is a great idea. I know a teacher that has all of his lessons on podcast and available for students or parents at their disposal. I know it is a lot of work though! Onto of all of the grading and demands of daily teaching. How do you think setting up a blog like you mention would be time effective? Basically, so you are not spending half you life creating it and only a few parents follow it.
I had the same idea of having the students write a reflection of a question that I post weekly. It is very important that these students are able to express their opinions appropriately while also improving their writing techiniques.
ReplyDeleteI also love your idea of using the blog to display student work. Students just love it when their hard work is recognized and a blog page would be a great place to do that!
Joy you and I have something in common. I am also my buildings tech rep. I use iweb for my homepage and it is very simple. The user doesn't have to wait for anyone to upload their page. I have been trying to get others to create a page using it but with out any luck. Next year I plan on doing a mini workshop for my staff to saw them how easy it is to create a blog or web page.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Tony,
ReplyDeleteYour question is one that I think about a lot. I think the difference between my homepage and blog is the interaction it can generate. I agree that in the beginning it will be very time consuming for me. Using my SMART board I can record my lesson as I'm teaching it and all I am having to do is upload to the blog. I can create PDF's for parents to download saving me time at the copier. These can be utilized year after year.
Since I started creating a homepage it has gone from zero parents viewing to this year I have at least a dozen students and parents that go to my page once a week. I think if the resources I provide can help one of my students than it is worth my time and effort to keep it going. I hope this answer your questions. Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog.
HI Jessica and welcome to my blog. What grade do you teach? You are right kids love to see their work displayed. Like Joy stated, it's also a place that out of town relatives can view and make comments. Thanks for visiting.