Course: Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas
Instructor: Virgil Kirk
- Are you finding the information and resources you need?
Right now I’m still in the gathering stage of my GAME plan. I conducted a survey with my staff. I have only received seven surveys back. I think the Turkey Holiday is occupying my colleagues and they may have been a little busy to fill out the form. I will nudge them a little bit in the coming weeks. I’m going to meet with my building tech guru next week to go over the types of resources I will need for my workshops.
Because of the short school week I wasn’t able to have my students take the learning style inventory test. I plan on having them fill it out next week.
- Do you need to modify your action plan?
I think my action plan is well written and I don’t feel I need to modify it.
- What have you learned so far?
This process is very slow. Having a GAME plan to keep me on track keeps me organized. My staff seems very excited about learning different ways to integrate technology into their classrooms. I used Google Docs to create my survey and I learned that I need to include a place for names because it doesn’t identify who did the survey. Now I will have to send an email out asking my staff to identify who is interested in the “Tech CafĂ©”. If you haven’t used Google Docs before they are very easy. One cool feature I found is that the program will create a spreadsheet compiling the data.
One of the most frustrating things for me is that when I’m trying to create a project for my students I seem to go overboard. I have learned that more is not always better. Every project does not have to include technology.
- What new questions have arisen?
Some of the questions I’m asking myself include: Do I have time to create projects that include technology? Will the projects give me a clearer picture of my student’s abilities?
Google Documents is a great way to collaborate with others. I like it because you are able to share information back and forth such as spreadsheets and other documents. However, the one down side to this is that everyone must have a Google account to participate. Many projects that include technology take a lot of time to create and it may be helpful it your other colleagues are able to share in the work load so that all of you can benefit.
ReplyDeleteIt is great to see that you have such willing colleagues to participate in your survey. I have come from some schools where colleagues would not do anything above and beyond their curriculum. Also, it is great that you feel your GAME plan is written well and doesn't need any changes. That could get frustrating as well when you think you have something going just right and then at the very end you need to change it. I am sure it makes it much easier implementing your plan. It sounds like everything is falling right into place. I hope you get a few more responses from your colleagues after the break!
It seems almost a consensus that integrating technology and working towards our goals is going to take time, and will move at a pace slower then we expected. I think all of us feel some pressure to move forward in implementing all of our wonderful new lesson plans and newly acquired skills. We obviously are going to hit obstacles like Board policies, limited equipment, lack of time, and lack of support.
ReplyDeleteI guess we just need to stay the course and chip away at the walls that block us from our goals. Using this blog and the GAME Plan are an excellent way to keep ourselves in check so that we don't just put these ideas on the back burner.
You obviously want to be a leader for your staff and students. You are traveling in uncharted territory so it will take longer and be harder but if you believe it is for the better good then you will prevail. Don't lose heart, you are at least taking the first steps. The holidays are a difficult time for starting something brand new. I think you are proceeding just fine by doing your ground work first.
ReplyDeleteThe "Tech Cafe" is such a great idea. I want to ask our tech people if they will start something like this. This is that time of the year when we are looking ahead towards the holidays. Teachers and students will start to slow down. I know we have much to do just for this course.
Yes, the holidays may serve as a bit of a barrier to completing your plans. I understand how you feel. I feel like my colleagues are in survival mode until the holidays are over as well. You really have a super concept developed and I am very certain that given time, it will be a success.