Course: EDUC-6712I-1 Supporting Information Literacy and Online Inquiry in the Classroom
Instructor: Susan Krauss
The most striking revelation I had while taking this course was that I needed to continue to change how I prepare my students for their future. Information is changing so rapidly that I need to help my students learn how to obtain valid information while sifting through mounds of different resources. I need to continue modeling for my students “how to learn” and break the habit of teaching at them. Another revelation I had during this course was that “it’s not about the technology” (Laurate Education, Inc. 2009). I also heard this statement during a training seminar attended. My analysis of this statement is that if your lesson is bad the technology is not going to make it meaningful. As an educator I need to be aware of how the lesson is delivered and the connection students make with the information.
The knowledge and experience I have gained over the last eight weeks will give me the foundation to teach my students the literacy skills they will need to be successful in their future. Students need to be inspired and engaged in their learning. I want them to “Think outside of the box” (Laurate Education, Inc. 2009). By infusing the different skills into my lessons I will give my students the strategies needed to be creative problem solvers.
One professional goal I have is to continue learning about different information literacy and technology skills. There are many steps I will take to continue this journey. I will attend a variety of inservices and trainings related to technology. I also will keep up to date on any changes by reading different educational blog sites. Along with learning this information I will provide mini trainings for my colleagues to keep them “Tech Savvy.”
Another goal I have is to model different ways to connect with people. I want to open up the classroom doors and become connected with others. I will do this by having my students share information on a class blog or create a wiki page with another classroom. I also would like my students to participate in a Skype conference with another classroom outside of my school. The project would be a follow up on our social studies unit “Trekking Across Alaska.” Each class would give the students clues about their state to determine what state they are from. This would create a connection to the curriculum as well as communicating information through a different multimedia format.
I believe educators needs to step out of the confines of the classroom and embrace the digital world we live in. As educators we may need to educate the administration to reevaluate how information is being taught to our students. If our classrooms do not become forward thinking our students will not be prepared for their future and be behind in this digital age of information.
Millard, David. (2009). The hoos-foos muse. Retrived October 24, 2009 from
Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Program three. Essential Questions in Inquiry Projects [Motion picture]. Supporting Information Literacy and Online Inquiry in the Classroom. Baltimore: Author.
Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Program thirteen. It’s Not About The Technology [Motion picture]. Supporting Information Literacy and Online Inquiry in the Classroom. Baltimore: Author.
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