Course: Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas
Instructor: Virgil Kirk
Advocating effective use of technology at my school has been a personal goal of mine for the past five years. It is also the reason I’m in this Masters Program. After reviewing the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS-T) for teachers I realized that I already promoted some of the standards within my classroom and school. There are two standards that I would like to focus on for my GAME plan.
I agree with Peggy Ertmer that a supportive team is needed in order to integrate technology effectively (Laureate Education, Inc., 2009). There are still members of my staff that believe technology should not be a part of the school day. A teacher made a comment that if she cuts anything out of her day it is her computer lab time. This type of mindset only fuels my passion to continue modeling the benefits of technology in the classroom.
My first standard is:
5b exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skill of others.
Goal: I want my colleagues to learn a variety of ways they can incorporate technology into their lessons. I also want them to understand the impact technology will have on their students’ learning environment. Along with this I would like to have a committee would help map out the technology direction for our school.
Action: Provide a bimonthly “Tech Café” infusion gathering. During this time different software, lessons or projects will be demonstrated. A guest, a colleague or myself would do the demonstrations. I also envision this as a time to share ideas about the direction our school should take with technology.
Monitor: At each “Tech Café” gathering we will have a sharing time to reflect on technology that was integrated.
Evaluate: At the end of two months I will take a survey of the staff to see if the “Tech Café” was useful or if we need to include different types of technology.
As teachers become more confident in their technology skills I believe they will begin to include it more in their lessons.
My second standard is:
2c: customize and personalize learning activates to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resource.
Goal: My students will identify their learning style and will use a digital tool that will creatively complete a learning activity.
Action: Have my students take a test that will identify their learning style. Brainstorm and identify different digital tools that will address each of the learning styles. Provide a learning opportunity that allows my students to determine which digital tool they will use for their final project.
Monitor: Provide the students with a rubric to monitor their progress. During the process review my students’ progress and redirect it if needed. At the end of the project have the students reflect on their experience.
Evaluate: I will evaluate the final project and my rubric will include my learning objectives. If the students were able to grasp the objectives then my goal would have been met. I would reevaluate the process and expand on my expectations if they did not.
I look forward to your comments and any suggestions you may have regarding my GAME plan.
Dawn Bell
Laureate Education Inc. (Producer). (2009). Program three. Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas (Motion picture) Enriching Content Area Learning Experiences with Technology Baltimore: Author.
National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved November 5, 2009 from http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForTeachers/2008Standards/NETS_T_Standards_Final.pdf.
I like your idea about the "tech cafe". In talking to some of the teachers in my building, they were surprised to hear about some of the tools we have used in our courses. Many of them are not familiar with Screencasts, Voicethreads, Podcasts, and the various software programs that are available. I think it's a great idea to introduce your colleagues to one new software program or idea at each meeting. I don't know how long your meetings are, but if you can find time to provide them with some training, that would be even better. We have teachers in our building who are open to using more technology, but being digital immigrants, they are not comfortable with computers or learning how to use software programs independently. Everyone has different background experiences and some may need more help than others.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your goals! It sounds like you're off to a great start.
I think implementing a "Tech Cafe" in your school is a great idea! I think two of the biggest reasons teachers do not use technology are because they are not aware of the resources that are available and they lack the confidence needed to try out new technology on their own. You are going to be able to help with both of these concerns with your meetings. Introducing new technologies and demonstrating how to use them will hopefully make other teachers want to try it, too. I think having various teachers who have tried out a new technology share what they have done allows the other teachers see that they all are capable of doing it and hopefully it will become contagious! My ITRT has Tech Tuesdays where teachers can go before or after school to get training on various technology-related skills. Some of the topics have been flip cameras, VoiceThreads, Photo Story, Kidspiration, Inspiration, social networking sites and our school's website and teacher pages. The teachers in your school are lucky to have you!
ReplyDeleteI have to say I had to read your paragraph about some of you colleagues twice before I could pick up my chin. I know that not all districts/schools do not value technology the way that my district does, but I didn't realize that there were teachers who would cut technology out of their day. I work with a few teachers who refer to themselves as the "tech dinosaurs", however they were among the first to speak up when our technology class was cut this year and students wouldn't have the skills to do tech projects in class.
You have your work cut out for you! I also love the idea of the 'tech cafe' and think it would be a great informal way to help make you colleagues more comfortable with how technology can enhance lessons and student learning. Good luck and remember you have your classmates here supporting you!
ReplyDeletei like your comment. Worth considering is especially the test that you are about to give your students to identify their learning styles. What do you plan to include in it and how will you make it at all? Will you make use of any online tool?
Hi Dawn,
ReplyDeleteI think your "tech cafe" idea is a wonderful proposal. Many people feel that there isn't time, or it's too hard, or it's not important, etc. to learn and try new ideas. Your cafe would promote collaboration, colleagiality, and life-long learning; the "it takes a village to..." theme comes to mind. Your willingness to share your learning and ideas with your colleagues is what education is all about. I hope it works out for you. Your colleagues should consider themselves fortunate to have the chance to get together and support each other in this forum!
I really like both your ideas. I also want to start a "support group" at my school, to allow teachers more opportunities to learn about technology. I think it is great that you want your students to discover their learning style and pick the method for completing a project. That will really allow them to take ownership of their work.
ReplyDeleteThe "Tech Cafe" sounds fantastic. Once in awhile our school offers technology training. I wish it was more often.
I love your tech cafe idea! It sounds like a non-intrusive way to really collaborate with other educators. Might I suggest that for your evaluation through survey that you try and use a survey where each teacher’s identity remains anonymous? I utilized survey monkey with my staff one year and it really made a difference as teachers put how they truly felt. I was able to get some valuable feedback.
ReplyDeleteHello Folks,
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the wonderful feedback on my two goals. I do agree with Melissa that I have my hands full with some of my staff regarding technology. I hope once they see how other teachers are using they will jump on board. I also like the idea of using survey monkey. I do utilize the program already but it was a nice reminder to add to the next step. Once again thanks for the the wonderful comments.
Dawn Bell