Course: Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas
Instructor: Virgil Kirk
Thanks to the technological advances found in our educational environment, learning is no longer confined to the four walls of the classroom. If the 21st century teacher wants to capture the attention of her students she will need to integrate technology into the curriculum. This task can be challenging but the rewards will benefit both the teacher and her students. Using a variety of instructional strategies and learning tools students will be interacting and taking ownership of their learning. The GAME plan I developed during this course will assist me in developing lessons that will challenge my students.
I’m still working on my first goal:5b exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skill of others.
After the Christmas break I plan on starting the “Tech CafĂ©” for my staff. I’m looking forward to sharing different ways to enhance the curriculum with technology. The biggest hurdle I had to overcome for this goal was patience. I wanted everyone to be as excited as I am about technology. I realize that technology means change and some of my colleagues are digital immigrants and will take time to assimilate.
My second goal: 2c: customize and personalize learning activates to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resource.
While developing my plan I was able to introduce technology in a purposeful manner. For each lesson, the standards correlated to the curriculum and created a higher level of learning for my students. I liked that the GAME plan allows for modification and revamping of ideas. The GAME plan is flexible and easy to create. At this time I will not be modifying my plan. After the break I plan on having my students create their own GAME plan.
I am very excited about implementing the GAME plan I created in our learning community. While developing this plan I was able to visualize the different technologies and how they will enhance the content of the lesson. This is a unit I will be able to modify and adjust as needed. I believe this unit has opened my eyes to the many possibilities that technology offers in the learning environment.
Nice summary- and just reviewing your reflections and admiring your accompanying artwork for each post. Nice work.